
(c) Tony Horsfall (UK), 2017 ⇔
I got this creed at a conference in Feb 2020, and have since found out that Tony Horsfall is a UK-based writer, retreat leader and spiritual director. His books include Spiritual Growth in a Time of Change, Deep Calls to Deep and Rhythms of Grace. According to BRF, Tony is an elder of Ackworth Community Church (https://www.brfonline.org.uk/collections/tony-horsfall). I found this “creed” helpful, and have added a few discussion questions. ~MK
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Resilience: being able to spring back; the ability to become strong, happy, or successful again after a difficult situation or event
Conviction: something you have no doubts about, because you are sure it is true or trustworthy
Where do Christians get resilience? Tough times hit us all, but if we have developed a strong conviction in “good times,” it makes the stormy times easier to weather. Christians believe that strong convictions come from a deep belief in what the Bible says.
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Many churches have a practice of reciting together the historic creeds of the church during their worship. In times of great difficulty, it is not so much these statements of faith that hold us firm, but the things we believe in our hearts. Here are some truths from scripture that you may find helpful in strengthening your faith during times of hardship, suffering or adversity. You may say, “I choose to believe” at the start of each declaration to show it is an act of faith.
The Resilience Creed
- I believe that God is working all things together for good
- I believe that nothing can separate me from the love of God that is mine in Christ Jesus
- I believe that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength
- I believe that God is faithful, and will not let me be tempted beyond what I can bear, but will also provide a way of escape
- I believe that his grace is sufficient for me, and that his strength is made perfect in my weakness
- I believe that he who began a good work in me will bring it to completion
- I believe that nothing can take me from his hand
- I believe that Christ will never leave me nor forsake me
- I believe that in every circumstance the Holy Spirit is my Comforter, Counsellor and Helper
- I believe that God will use trials to refine me and to make me stronger, wiser and more compassionate
(c) 2017 Tony Horsfall
References: Romans 8:28, Romans 8:38-39, Philippians 4:13, 1 Corinthians 10:13, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Philippians 1:6, John 10:29, Hebrews 13:5, John 14:15, 1 Peter 1:6-7.
To talk about:
- What helps you the most in times of difficulty?
- Give examples of “something difficult” that ends in something good (e.g., surgery)
- Give examples of experiences when “more information” made suffering easier to bear (e.g., watching a child scream while getting a vaccine)
- We all face many trials and difficulties in life. Some people turn from God when bad things happen, saying that such things show that God isn’t “all powerful” or “always good”. Others draw closer to God, believing that God knows things we can’t yet understand. Which kind of person are you, and what would you say to the other kind of person?
For more information about Christianity, check out https://peacewithgod.net/
About the photo: In December 2018, a building belonging to the Garden Club Council of Greater Columbia, SC, caught fire and burned to the ground. The Garden Club had not rebuilt as of March 2021, but no one apparently told the flowers not to come up anyway! With COVID-19 wrecking so much of the previous year, the presence of these resilient flowers brought me encouragement and hope. God has designed “life” to find a way to spring back after disasters, and if He cares this much for the flowers, which are here today and soon wilted, how much more must God care for you and me! ~MK
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