About Us
Welcome to our inspirational family website.
♦ Krigline.com and wp.krigline.com were created by Michael Krigline and friends, as a place to post inspirational articles, photo galleries, and other personal web pages. EFLsuccess.com was created by Michael and friends as a place to post materials for English learners and English teachers. Michael and his wife Vivian are Americans who started working with international students (among others) in the 1980s, and then taught in China starting in 2000; they moved to Hong Kong in 2015, and returned to the US in 2019. All photos, songs, materials, etc. are copyright © Michael Krigline unless otherwise noted. We welcome others to use our materials if they abide by our “Standards and Use Policy” (in sum: for non-commercial purposes, and attributed to this website). This website is maintained primarily for the benefit of our friends, former students and colleagues, and the many others around the globe who want to stay in touch. [For more info about us, visit our Home, music or purpose page.]
Krigline.com & wp.krigline.com 是一个由林麦克及其朋友们创建的网站,用来发布一些鼓舞人心的文章,照片和其他个人网页。EFLsuccess.com也是由麦克及其朋友们创建的网站,用来为英语学习者和教师提供相关的学习资料。麦克和他的夫人(薇薇安)Vivian都是美国人,从2000年起就在中国工作;2015年他们移居香港;2019年回美国。除非另行标注,所有图片、歌曲和材料等的版权都属© Michael Krigline(林麦克)所有。我们欢迎其他人在遵守“正当使用”的前提下使用我们的材料。(简而言之:用于非商业目的,并注明本网站为出处)。维持本网站主要是为我的学生和同事,以及世界各地希望通过英语沟通交流的人们提供便利。
This graphic tells you how to send me a note, or just use the form below. For more information, see our “Standards and Use Policy.”
Materials on krigline.com ©Michael Krigline unless otherwise noted. To learn more or to make a contribution, see our Website Standards and Use Policy page (under “About Us”).