↑Easter for Kids
This “Easter Story for children” is under revision. Check back closer to Easter for an update.
Continue reading →This “Easter Story for children” is under revision. Check back closer to Easter for an update.
Continue reading →World history, and the key to eternity, in three verses plus a chorus ⇔ by Michael Krigline, June 1984. wp.krigline.com ⇔ I was 23 when I wrote this poem/song, and after decades of study and life-experience I’m still amazed at how … Continue reading →
Fighting FEAR: something more infectious than COVID-19 ⇔ March 2020. wp.krigline.com ⇔ I was teaching in China in April 2003, when the SARS pandemic hit. I’ve adapted the following from an article I posted at that time, from an unknown author. … Continue reading →
Fear slows progress toward our goals, but there are things we can do about it! ⇔ by Michael Krigline, March 21, 2020. wp.krigline.com ⇔ Adapted from a weekend talk given to adult students in China, March 2015. Fear is no laughing matter. … Continue reading →
一只鸟眼里的复活节 (A Bird’s Eye View of Easter) ~ The Easter Story retold for children, in Chinese ⇔ (Note: Many people have asked for a Chinese version of this story, so here it is. Feel free to copy and print this … Continue reading →
Are you caring for someone with cancer? Read this. ⇔ October 2018. www.krigline.com ⇔ [With friends who have cancer, and a sister who is a survivor, the following caught my attention, so I wanted to add it to my website. Links … Continue reading →
Peach ice cream, and other ways God shows He cares about the little things ⇔ by Vivian Krigline (in Hong Kong), July 13, 2018. wp.krigline.com ⇔ Vivian first shared this with friends on Facebook, but many liked it so we’re … Continue reading →
Jesus’ “model prayer” has much to teach us; don’t just memorize and recite, but expand on each piece as you pray. ⇔ by Michael Krigline, October 2012. krigline.com ⇔ Originally created as a “group exercise” for people at the Xiamen … Continue reading →
by Michael Krigline, published July 1990. wp.krigline.com ⇔ We hold these truths to be self-evident ⇔ Preface: the Trans-Siberian railway carried me from Beijing to Moscow in July 1987. You can read about the journey (and see more photos) on my … Continue reading →
What do you see in the beauty of a shell? ⇔ by Michael Krigline, March 3, 2018. wp.krigline.com ⇔ Any thinking person, seeing this line of shells on the beach, would immediately assume that it was created by a person. No … Continue reading →