Poem: Mom’s Day-Dad’s Day
A poem to honor Mom and Dad ⇔
Jun 2013. wp.krigline.com ⇔
(You can see my “lesson” using this poem for English-Language Learners here: (EFLsuccess.com); EFLsuccess is full of resources for English teachers and learners.)
I wrote this poem for my parents in 2013. Sorry it is so small on a phone, but using a jpg image was the only way to preserve the parallel nature of this poem (turn your phone sideways to get a wider image).

Our son Andrew and two puppets: Denali and Shou-O
Many years ago, my son and I created and performed puppet shows for the children at our church. “Shou-O” was a wise, serious dog. “Denali” was an immature, funny beaver, who looked up to Shou-O.
I wrote the following “puppet show” for a Mother’s Day lesson:
S = Shou-O’s part; D = Denali’s part
Denali: Hi, Shou-O. Happy Mother’s Day!
Shou-O: Um, I’m not a mother.
D I know that! You’re not even a girl! But you HAVE a mother, don’t you? Say, does the Bible say anything about mothers?
S Certainly. The Bible tells us about several mothers, including Moses’ mother, Sampson’s mother, Samuel’s mother and Jesus’ mother.
D Do you know any sayings from the Bible about moms or parents?
S Well, one of the most important parts of the Bible is the “Ten Commandments” and the fourth commandment says: “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.”
D Wow! If that is in the 10 Commandments, it must be pretty important! Shou-O, are you going to do anything special for your mom today?
S Sure, I’m giving her a nice bone—her favorite kind. And I’ve drawn a greeting card for her. How about you?
D Sure! I wrote my mom a Mother’s Day poem. Would you like to hear it?
S (under his breath) Do I have to… I mean, sure. I’d love to.
D OK. Well, tell me what you think when I finish. (clears throat)
Roses are red, and beavers can chew
But I couldn’t chew anything if it hadn’t been for you.
You gave me my teeth and taught me to fish,
So I wrote you this poem and mother’s day wish.
S (pause) That’s… “nice”… Denali.
D Wait! It’s not over yet. (clears throat)
I love when you tell me those great Bible stories,
If I had any money, I’d buy you some flories.
S Um, don’t you mean “flowers”?
D Yes, but that doesn’t rhyme with “stories”
S I see…
D (clears throat) Because of your faith, now I’m a believer
Because you’re my mom, I’m also a beaver
(to Shou-O) You see, if she was a sparrow, then I’d be a sparrow, but she’s a beaver, so…
S Yes, yes; I understood what you meant.
D Are you ready for the big finish?
S I can hardly wait…
D (clears throat) I sure love my sister and I’m nuts about Dad,
But you’re the best Mom I’ve ever had!
S I’m sure she will be “touched.”
D You think so?
S Yes. I’m sure. As they say, “It’s the thought that counts.” But I think you should work a little harder on that line about the “flories”—I mean “flowers…”
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